Metastructure of training curriculums for Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt)


Based on the NLPt traditions in Europe since 1986 and the standards of EAP, an EA-NLPt recognized curriculum has to fulfill the following criteria:


Prerequisite for NLP therapy training:


1.Higher education:


A least a 3 year B.A. or B.S.c - preferably in Humanities, Education, Social Science, Medicine or Psychology. In case of other studies the relevant knowledge in Psychology and Social and Medical sciences has to be proven. Where required by law, eg. in Austria a specific demonstration of relevant knowledge is to be taken (Psychotherapeutisches Propaedeutikum) 2.In addition a structured process of assessment into the beginning of training of at least 3 days is required.


The actual 4-5 year currriculum has to be structured as follows:


1st year: a good NLP Practitioner training group with emphasis on counselling/therapy> 250 hours. ( at least 6 modules of at least 3 days, stretched over at least 10 months)


2nd year: Master Practitioner training group with emphasis on counselling/therapy >250 hours.( at least 6 modules of at least 3 days, stretched over at least 10 months)


First and second year together should contain of at least 250 hours self experience, at least 100 hours methodology and at least 50 hours theory and 100 hours of supervision


In addition,> 150 hours of documented peergroup meetings for practical peer work, in depth literature study (theory) and discussion should be performed within the first and second year.


3rd and 4th year: training groups > 500 hours should contain:

Self experience> 50 hours

Supervision (group): for clinical work 100 hours

Special psychotherapeutic methodology, including therapy strategy, resonance and transference patterns: 200 hours

Special psychotherapeutic /psychopathologic /clinical theory: 150 hours


In addition, at least 100 hours of documented peergroup meetings for practical peer work, in depth literature study (theory)and intervision should be performed.


Additional required training modules:


NLPt theory and Literature seminars: > 40 hours


Individual therapy with a qualified NLPt Therapist >75 hours


Special training in crisis intervention, psychosomatic interventions: 80 hours


NLPt speciality topics(depending on the legal requirements of the country and the emphasis of the NLPt training instituite and theory/ätiology of disorders: > 120 hours,)


Individual psychotherapeutic supervision with a recognised and experienced NLPt Supervisor> 40 hours.


At least four cases of at least 15 hours each must be documented in writing


Clinical work with patients under supervision, at least 600 hours.

160 hours (or more where required by law) all of the practical clinical work should be done in an health/ clinical /institutional setting.


A written thesis and a final exam are required.




EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 

A-1090 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4/7, Tel: +43-1/317 67 80




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