EAP - European Association for Psychotherapy:
The EAP represents 128 organisations (30 national umbrella associations, 17 European-wide associations for psychotherapy) from 41 European countries and by that more than 120.000 psychotherapists. Membership is also open for individual psychotherapists.
Based on the "Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990" the EAP represents high training standards for a scientifically based and stands for a free and independent practice of psychotherapy.
NLP Research Data Base:
The NLP Research Data Base (NLP-RDB) is an ongoing project initiated by myself and coworkers at the University of Bielefeld and now presented in the www-net.
Its origin was in 1992 when we started collecting the world-wide available empirical studies relating to NLP to have them reviewed, systemized via keywords and presented in a data base format such that interested people from all over the world could get information about the actual level of international NLP research.
Anglo American - Specialists in NLP, Hypnosis, Accelerated Learning and Personal Growth Books. .:
Welcome to Anglo American Books, specialists in NLP, Hypnosis, Education and Personal Growth. We are an independent bookseller based in West Wales. All the books featured on this website are normally in stock and will, in most cases, be dispatched the same day.
We also publish an online newsletter called Changes which reviews the latest and best titles in our specialist areas, related news and information and also contains special offers. You can sign up to receive Changes by calling us on 01267 211880, faxing us on 01267 211 882 or emailing books@anglo-american.co.uk. If you would like us to call you just pop your phone number in an email and send it to us.
CQPNL > Centre de formation en PNL:
Qu'est-ce que la PNL ?
À la fois un art, un ensemble d'outils et une philosophie de vie, la PNL a pour objet la modélisation de l'excellence humaine.
S'intéressant avant tout au « comment ça marche » plutôt qu'au « pourquoi ça ne marche pas », elle a développé des modèles simples et concrets pour décoder les compétences exceptionnelles de personnes reconnues pour leur savoir-être et savoir-faire (pédagogues, psychothérapeutes, coachs, entrepreneurs, gestionnaires, négociateurs, artistes, sportifs, etc.) et les rendre accessibles au plus grand nombre.
HATC NLPt - Hrvatsko-austrijski NLPt trening centar - linkovi:
NLP/NLPt je učinkovita metoda za osobni rast i razvoj, te postizanje željenih promjena u osobnom doživljaju, reakcijama i ponašanju.
NLP/NLPt se danas uspješno koristi u psihologiji, socijalnom radu, pedagogiji, menadžmentu i drugim područjima gdje se radi o komunikaciji i razvoju ljudski potencijala.
ÖTZ-NLP & NLPt - Mehr Erfolg im Leben mit NLP - NLP:
Mehr Erfolg im Leben - machen Sie sich selbst das Geschenk ein selbstbestimmtes Leben zu führen.
Lernen Sie sich selbst und andere besser verstehen durch Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren (NLP).
ICP-NLP - The International Commission for Professional NLP - www.icpnlp.org:
Quality & competence levels for NLP Practitioner providers
A detailed differentiation by Peter Schütz
In the general public the image of NLP is mainly defined through the majority of ** and *** star providers. Legally speaking teaching is free in most countries. For the NLP courses there are no legally relevant recognized quality checks or disciplinary councils, as it is normal for most qualified professions working with and having responsibility for people eg. psychotherapists, dentists, opticians, architects, surgeons, flying schools, laywers, butchers, clinical psychologists etc.
Austrian congress for professionell NLP:
Österreichischer Kongress für professionelles NLP
Provocative ChangeWorks:
Workshop with Nick Kemp in Vienna
Photo Credits:
- Derek Bruff - Hyperlinks https://goo.gl/7TuWgL
- PROPeter Bihr - hyperlink.mystery https://goo.gl/F5sVoJ
- Darren Hester - Cracked Asphalt Texture https://goo.gl/fOVnXw
- Bill Scott - realtor.com-simplelink-03 https://goo.gl/nSKQIF
- Kevin Hodgson - Hyperlink Poem Background Image https://goo.gl/sVRWZn
- Carol Nichols - The internet invades real life https://goo.gl/dfFT4B