
About Us - Who are we ?

We are the European wide accrediting organisation (EWAO) for NLPt within the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)

Experienced NLP psychotherapists can get the ECP via the metacurriculum through our grandparenting criteria. 

The word Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) came frome of a discussion between Dr. Helmut Jelem, Wolfgang Karber † and Mag. Peter Schutz. They were searching for a word that would correctly represent, what the Austrian Training Center for NLP, had been doing since its beginning. The ATC had a 4 year Curriculum for Psychotherapy already 1986, the first research was started in 1993 and presented under Effects of NLPt at the World Congress for Psychotherapy in Vienna, 1996, by Mag. Martina Genser-Medlitsch.


The mission of the EANLPt:

Promote the psychotherapeutic application of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy NLPt) in Europe as an accredited and recognized method of 
psychotherapy. Support high quality training standards for NLPt and represent the method in the European Government bodies and within the 
EAP. We also support the formation of a worldwide platform for neurolinguistic psychotherapy with highly respected standards and procedures. Since 3rd July EANLPt is an accepted psychotherapeutic modality organization (EWAO) within the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).

NLPt is a government recognized psychotherapy method, in Italy since 2005, in Austria since 2007.

EAP EAPTI s exist in France and Belgium, more to come.


The history of EANLPt:

We were founded 1995 in Vienna, where a NLP Psychotherapy curriculum has existed since 1986.


Our country members:




We currently have talks with individuals and groups who are NLP therapy specialists and supporting the process of building up a local NLPt-organization from the following countries.


Please contact them:

Quebec-Canada: Quebec Association PtNLP, Joanne Riou,

Bulgaria / Czech Republic / Spain / Portugal / Malta: 
We are searching for NLP / NLPt therapists. Please send us an email.


We are searching for NLP / NLPt therapists. Please send us an email.

National organizations or working groups for NLPt:  Email:
01. DVNLPt, Fachgruppe für Psychotherapie im DVNLP (Germany)
02a. Fédération NLPNL (France)
02b. Fédération Français pour la Psycho-Thérapie Neuo-Linguistique (FFPtNL, France)
03. Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für NLPt,
04. Österreichische Gesellschaft für NLPt (ÖG-NLPt)(Austria)
05. Istituto Di Comunicazione Olistica Sociale (Italy), Nicola Menicacci,,
06. Finnish Association for NLP, Section for NLPt (Finland),,
07. Irish NLP Association, NLPt working group
08. Magyar NLPt Association (Hungary)
09. Polish NLPt Association (Poland)
10. Croatian Association for NLPt( Croatia)
11. Ressources School of NLP/Association (Belgium)
12. Latvia NLPt Association (Latvia)
13. Hellenic Association for NLPt (Greece)
14. Ukrainian Association for NLPt (Ukraina)
15. Slovenian working group for NLPt (Slowenia) (prov),

17. Serbian working group
18. Asociatia NLP Professional Romania
19. Bulgarian working group NLPt, Christo Georgiev
20. Nederlandse Vereniging voor NeuroLinguïstische Psychotherapie (NVNLPt)
21. Dansk NLP Psykoterapeut Forening,
22. Georgian Association of Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (GANLPt.NLP)


(Re-)Accredited institutes:

Oesterreichisches Trainingszentrum für NLP & NLPt - Fachsektion Klinik und Psychotherapie (Austria)
Polish Institute for NLP (Poland)
NLPt curriculum, University of Tampere (Finland)
Institut Ressources (EAPTI, Belgium)
Reseau Education Plurielle (France)
Ecole De PNL Humaniste (EAPTI, France)


How are we organized ?

The working level of the EANLPt is currently the Chairmens office, the executive committee and the country board (representing two delegates per country). Every three years there is a General assembly.

These are our statutes.


Current EANLPt structure:

EANLPt President
Dr. Catalin Zaharia
EANLPt Secretary General
Dr. Peter Schütz ECP
EANLPt Vice Secretary General
Riitta Malkamäki
EANLPt Vice President
Mag. Melita Reiner ECP ♰ 8/2020
EANLPt Vice Secretary General
Dr. Gyula Biró ECP
EANLPt Vice President
Catherine Tamisier ECP
EANLPt Auditor
DDr. Inna Haltetska
EANLPt Auditor
Dr. Claudine Marchand

Metastructure of training curriculums for Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) 

Based on the NLPt traditions in Europe since 1986 and the standards of EAP, an EA-NLPt recognized curriculum has to fulfill the following criteria: 

Prerequisite for NLP therapy training:

The actual 4-5 year curriculum has to be structured as follows:

1st year: a good NLP Practitioner training group with emphasis on counselling/therapy >250 hours. ( at least 6 modules of at least 3 days, stretched over at least 10 months)

2nd year: Master Practitioner training group with emphasis on counselling/therapy >250 hours.( at least 6 modules of at least 3 days, stretched over at least 10 months)

First and second year together should contain of at least 250 hours self experience, at least 100 hours methodology and at least 50 hours theory and 100 hours of supervision

In addition, > 150 hours of documented peergroup meetings for practical peer work, in depth literature study (theory) and discussion should be performed within the first and second year.

3rd and 4th year: training groups > 500 hours should contain:

In addition, at least 100 hours of documented peergroup meetings for practical peer work, in depth literature study (theory)and intervision should be performed.


  • Typical NLPt curriculum as currently in Romania, Croatia and Austria
    1. A least a 3 year B.A. or B.S.c - preferably in Humanities, Education, Social Science, Medicine or Psychology. In case of other studies the relevant knowledge in Psychology and Social and Medical sciences has to be proven. Where required by law, eg. in Austria a specific demonstration of relevant knowledge is to be taken (Psychotherapeutisches Propaedeutikum)       
  • Additional required training modules:

    NLPt theory and Literature seminars: > 40 hours

    Individual therapy with a qualified NLPt Therapist >75 hours

    Special training in crisis intervention, psychosomatic interventions: 80 hours

    NLPt speciality topics(depending on the legal requirements of the country and the emphasis of the NLPt training instituite and theory/ätiology of disorders: > 120 hours,)

    Individual psychotherapeutic supervision with a recognised and experienced NLPt Supervisor >40 hours.

    At least four cases of at least 15 hours each must be documented in writing

    Clinical work with patients under supervision, at least 600 hours. 
    160 hours (or more where required by law) all of the practical clinical work should be done in an health/ clinical /institutional setting. 

    A written thesis and a final exam are required.



    EANLPt EAP GRANDPARENTING GUIDELINES, as established in Crete 11/99

    Seven criteria to be met:


    A) What is "self experience" ? 
    B) Is self-experience necessary? YES (unanimity)
    C) How many? 150 hours in total
    D) How to prove?
    certificates and/or attestations by recognized psychotherapist;
    or similar;


    A) At least 3 year’s diploma in humanities, human sciences
    B) working practice according to national regulations (approved)
    C) (As exception to the rule) Specific qualified very professional life experience, which provides an equivalent to university education both in term of personal maturity and knowledge


    A) If no other previous psychotherapeutic practice :
         5 years of practice after NLPt training completed
    B) For people with any previous psychotherapeutic practice
         5 years including 3 years of NLPt practice
    in each case, the 5 years should have an equivalent of 2000 hours-practice and 75 clients


    NLPt TRAINING of 70 days


      Length of time : Content :


        = supervision of therapeutic process a) including
    b) length of time: 100 hours The last topic that will be discussed next time is: should a NLP psychotherapist be also a NLP trainer 


        The recommendation should be done by a local (in country) representative of EANLPt based on the personal knowledge of the person and preferably backed by local committee








        Recommendation for person who apply for ECP via NLPt 









TSC - Training standards committee The following members have been elected in November 2011:

  • Dr. Catalin Zaharia, M.Sc.
  • Mag. Peter Schütz, M.Sc.
  • Dipl.-Psych. Birgit Bader
  • Catharine Tamisier
  • Gyula Biró Riita Malkamäki
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miroslawa Huflejt-Lukasik


Ethics Committee
The following members have been elected in Riga, November 2010:

  • ​​​​​​​Dipl.-Psych. Birgit Bader
  • Dr. Catalin Zaharia, M.Sc. 


The Scientific Council
The following members have been elected in Riga, November 2010:

  • Dipl.-Psych. Birgit Bader
  • Catharine Tamisier
  • Dr. Catalin Zaharia, M.Sc.
  • Univ. Prof. Dr. Miroslawa Huflejt-Lukasik (chair)
  •  Prof. DDr. Inna Haltetska
  • Mag. Peter Schütz, M.Sc.

Your NLPt trainings organization wants to become an EANLPt accredited Institute?
You need to have a MINIMUM of 3 ECP certified teaching psychotherapists, depending on student body size it might be more.
Your curriculum MUST meet themeta-curriculum.
Your financial situation with EANLP must be in good standing.
A tradition of - usually - 5 years of teaching is required, this may be negotiable depending on circumstances
All relevat documents MUST be in good English.
So a next step for a possible Application , please let us know in detail in English

Please note: Independently of any membership status as guest you are of course cordially invited to attend. our conferences, which currently happen 2 x per year. Getting acquainted with the members of the board, the executive and the TSC surely makes all the necessary discussions much easier and mutually beneficial.


22 Questions for :
1. Please describe the ownership structure and legalof your training center/institute, profit/nonprofit, what type of state registration,how many owners/officers or comparable persons
2. Please list the curriculum vitae of your teaching psychotherapists. According to EAP regulation there must be at least five.
3. Please list how many hour/days per year do they work for your institute/center per year on average, preferably differentiated by supervision/methodology/self-experience/theory
4. Please list your regular guest lecturers and their CV and average hours they work für your training center/institute
5. Please inform how many of your teaching psychotherapists hold the ECP
6. Please document how your core teaching therapists have been trained in dynamics of group processes/group dynamics
7. Please list in detail the structure of each year regarding the hour requirement from the meta-curriculum for specific NLPt psychotherapeutic A Theory B methodology, C group supervision, D group self-experience, E individual supervision, F individual therapy + teaching therapy
8. How do you organize/ make sure that those of your students who do not have degree in medicine, psychology , social work or special education get sufficient basic knowledge as required by EAP and the EA NLPt/Metacurriculum in + developmental psychology, + psychopathology and + health system knowledge outside of your NLPt training- preferably before starting the 3rd year
9. How is the cooperation process between the teaching psychotherapists structured /organized
10. How is the supervision/intervision process of your teaching therapists organized
11. Please list how many case studies/case report in writing are minimally necessary for a graduation in NLPt
12. Please list how many hours of work with patients have to be proven before graduation in NLPt.
Please list the NLPt specific approach of your training center/institute regarding Nosology/etiology and therapy strategy including caveats, to at least five of the following diagnosis groups, as they would be used in your teaching materials
Enuresis nocturna, colitis ulcerosa, dismenohreoe, substance abuse, multiple phobias, PTSD after disaster, PTSD after torture, violence in family context, eating disorders, suicide threatening, early childhood violence (sexual and other),reactive acute depression, prolonged grief period, hyperactivity in children, ADHD, high blood pressure without medical reasons, acute psychosis, aggressive behavior, impotence, frigidity
13. Please document how many persons have participated and have graduated in since 1995 in your institute/training center First year second year third year fourth year
14. document how many persons have participated and have graduated in your institute/training center in the work year ending 2002 First year second year third year fourth year
15. Please document which scientific congresses/meetings on NLPt your training center has organized/ co organized 16. Please give the link on which homepage , the NLPt presentations from this conferences/meetings can be found, or please attach copie of presentations, or copies of videotapes
17. Please document which scientific articles the core teaching therapists of your training center have published in the last 7 years
18. Please list which other books to NLP related topics habe been published by persons related to your training center/institute
19. Please document which professional case studies on NLPt have been written by * Teaching therapists/trainers * Graduates * Students of your training center/institute 20. Please document which statistically sound researches on NLPt your training center/institute has participated since 1993. Who was involved ? teaching therapists, graduates, students ? Where are-will be the results published.




EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 

A-1090 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4/7, Tel: +43-1/317 67 80




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