European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy


We are the platform of national NLPt organizations, NLPt training institutes and neurolinguistic psychotherapists, integrating and respresenting NLPt in Europe.

We are the European wide accrediting organisation (EWAO) for NLPt within the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP). 

Experienced NLP psychotherapists can get the ECP via the metacurriculum through our grandparenting criteria.

TSC - Training Standards Committee

Ethics Committee

Scientific Council


The word Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy (NLPt) comes from of a discussion between Dr. Helmut Jelem, Wolfgang Karber † and Mag. Peter Schutz. They were searching for a word that would correctly represent, what the Austrian Training Center for NLP, had been doing since its beginning. The ATC had a 4 year Curriculum for Psychotherapy already 1986, the first research was started in 1993 and presented under Effects of NLPt at the World Congress for Psychotherapy in Vienna, 1996, by Mag. Martina Genser-Medlitsch.

We were founded in 1995 in Vienna, where a NLP Psychotherapy curriculum has existed since 1986.

Our Mission

The mission of the EANLPt is to promote the psychotherapeutic application of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy NLPt) in Europe as an accredited and recognized method of psychotherapy. Support high quality training standards for NLPt and represent the method in the European Government bodies and within the EAP.

We also support the formation of a worldwide plattform for neurolistic psychotherapy with highly respected standards and procedures. Since 3rd July EANLPt is an accepted psychotherapeutic modality organization (EWAO) within the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP).

NLPt is a govrnment recognized psychotherapy method, in Italy since 2005, in Austria since 2007.

EAP EAPTI exist in France, Belgium, and more to come.

Mission (pdf).




EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 

A-1090 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4/7, Tel: +43-1/317 67 80

e-mail: info@eanlpt.org



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