What are the costs of membership ?

For each country organization we have currently agreed on a financial contribution from each country € 1.000,- per year (if possible ), beginning 1998 to cover organizational expenses and research and start a European Journal for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy. Lower rates apply to organizations from Eastern Europe. There is also an application fee of the same amount. 

May I also become an individual member ?

Yes! Individual Persons with ECP / NLPt or equivalent may join (€ 500,-) with approval of the executive, as well as accredited NLP training institutes (€ 1000,-). 
Application fees apply.

What else is EANLPt doing ?

We collect and document research, keep up an information and research homepage in several languages, and assist each other in all relevant agendas of legal and professional character. We also scout all European countries where we are not yet represented to network NLPt-practitioners. As an EAP European Wide Accrediting Organization we accredit training standards and Institutes for NLPt on a high professional level in the interest of clients, consumers and the good reputation of NLPt. 
We also have a key role in supervising and forming the EAP grandparenting process for very experienced psychotherapists for the ECP in NLPt. There is a three year transition phase for ECP grandparenting, (depending when it started in your country). 

Are you interested to join in and cooperate ?

If you are from one of the countries mentioned above, please contact your local representative or contact us to get you in contact with them. 
If there is no national organization or local representative, we strongly encourage you to be represented in the EANLPt.

What would that do good ?

The European association for Psychotherapy (EAP) is accrediting an European certificate for psychotherapy (ECP). The next step then will be lobbying through the European commission or the European Parliament for European Legislation on Psychotherapy. And this certificate will be the quality-standard-base fur such an Legislation. As consumer protection will be one of the major traits in the next decade, it is highly probable that such legislation is passed before 2018.

Since July 1999 EANLPt is a European wide awarding oganisation (EWAO). 
This means basically three things.

1. Politically we are accepted in EAP

2. Professionally Neurolinguistic psychotherapy is an accredited method of psychotherapy

3 .Organizationally. If a psychotherapist applies for his ECP, at his National Umbrella Organization, and states that NLPt is his modality, we will be asked if his training in NLPt is sufficient.

How should a national NLPt organization be structured ?

Integrate all national relevant NLPt-therapists and student NLPt therapists in good standing. The idea of NLPt is to integrate NLP-professionals. Even if in "traditional NLP" there are the usual "tribal wars of institutes" and primadonnas, NLPt is a chunk large enough to integrate and cooperate. Using the grandparenting criteria, to be found on our homepage.

EANLPt accredits training programs and preaccredits institutes for the EATI accreditation. 
For being accredited by the training standards committee, your need to have at least five teaching therapists (ECP level). They must be in good standing in your psychotherapeutic community and have 5 years of teaching practice together. 
Adherence to the metacurriculum is necessary.

Have different forms of membership, at least:

    full members: 
    Those who are in your country accredited psychotherapists and also are, by training and/or experience (grandfathering) , fully qualified NLPt-therapists. 
    This would probably involve, that consistent with EAP-regulations the founding committe goes through a process of grandfathering in a certain amount of NLP qualified people (usually this will be NLP Trainers and Master practitioners with good therapeutic experience, sufficient supervision, theoretical knowledge and state recognition as therapists if this exists).

    (possibly) teaching members: 
    Full members with very good psychotherapeutical standing and at least 5 years of practice in teaching and training.

    associate members: 
    Those who are in a training state towards that qualification.

    (possibly) supporting members: 
    Those who do not want to become NLPt therapists, but support the aims of EANLPt.

Have the usual set of organizational officers: Chairmen, treasurer, graduation committee.


What is the  European Association for Psychotherapy EAP ? 
EAP - Logo The EAP (founded 1990) (http://www.europsyche.org) has consultative Status at the European Union. Its aim to establish psychotherapy as a qualified profession all over Europe on the Basis of theStrasbourg Declaration.

The EAP is the European Association for Psychotherapy. Individual membership and organizational membership is possible

  1. either through the NUO (national umbrella organization for psychotherapy, which exists in most European countries)
  2. or/and through the EWO or EWAO (European wide Organizations for a specific school=modality e.g. Transactional Analysis, Bioenergetics, Psychodrama, Rogerian psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy).


How is the EANLPt related to the EAP ?

The EANLPt has been accepted as an EWO since December 1997 and as an EWAO since July 1999.
3 accredited Institutes also are EAPTIs, so ECPs can be awarded directly.

The EANLPt is an EWAO in the EAP representing the modality of Neuro-Linguistic psychotherapy. 

Our President, Dr. Catalin Zaharia currently is member of the strategy and research committee.
Peter Schütz (GS) is a member of the GAP.

If a National psychotherapy organization may recommend an ECP to an European NLP-Therapist, the EANLPt standards committee or its delegated body/person has to be asked for approval.

If you have any questions, please contact me directly 
e-mail home:friendly@schuetz.at


+43-676-317 47 02

Peter Schutz 
Secretary General


EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 
A-1094 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4 
Tel: +43-1-317 67 80, Fax: +43-1-317 67 81-22 
Mobile: +43-676-317 47 02, e-mail: info@eanlpt.org 




EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 

A-1090 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4/7, Tel: +43-1/317 67 80

e-mail: info@eanlpt.org



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