Our country members (MAP) are national organizations or working groups for NLPt:
01. Deutsche Gesellschaft für NLPt (DG-NLPt) (Germany) |
bbs@bibader.de ,
02a. Fédération NLPNL (France) |
federation@nlpln.eu , michelle.vinot@saena.fr
02b. Fédération Français pour la Psycho-Thérapie Neuo-Linguistique (FFPtNL, France) |
catherinetamisier@orange.fr |
03. Schweizer Arbeitsgemeinschaft für NLPt |
aw@quicknet.ch ,
04. Österreichische Gesellschaft für NLPt (ÖG-NLPt) |
info@nlpt.at |
05. Istituto Di Comunicazione Olistica Sociale (Italy) |
info@ikosageform.it |
06. Finnish Association for NLP, Section for NLPt (Finland) |
Riitta.Malkamaki@sano.fi ,
reetta.vanhanen@yellowsky.fi , leenama@sci.fi |
07. Irish NLP Association, NLPt working group |
info@reekus.com |
08. Magyar NLPt Association (Hungary) |
drgybiro@t-online.hu |
09. Polish NLPt Association (Poland) |
pinlp@wa.home.pl |
10. Croatian-Austrian Training Center for NLPt (Croatia) |
info@nlpt.hr |
11. Ressources School of NLP/Association (Belgium) |
mail@ressources.be |
12. Latvia NLPt Association (Latvia) |
hellenium@inbox.lv |
13. Hellenic Association for NLPt (Greece) |
mgantonis@gmail.com |
14. Ukrainian Association for NLPt (Ukraina) |
Inna_lviv@mail.ru |
15. Slovenian working group for NLPt (Slowenia) (prov) |
marija.hafner@alphacenter.si ,
tatjana@humancc.org |
16. Moscow NLP Center (Russia), Russian NLPt Group |
pligin@nlpcenter.ru , director@nlpcenter.ru |
17. Serbian working group |
acimovic@open.telekom.rs |
18. Asociatia NLP Professional (Romania) |
contact@anlpp.ro |
19. Bulgarian working group NLPt, Christo Georgiev |
cgeorgiev@spnet.net |
20. Nederlandse Vereniging voor NeuroLinguïstische Psychotherapie (NVNLPt) |
JRademaker@academie-psychotherapie.nl |
and EANLPt is growing.
We currently
have talks with individuals and groups who are NLP therapy specialists and
supporting the process of building up a local NLPt-organization from the
following countries.
contact them:
Quebec Association PtNLP, Joanne Riou, cqpnl@sympatico.ca
Bulgaria /
Czech Republic / Spain / Portugal / Malta:
We are searching for NLP / NLPt therapists.
Please send us an email.