You need to have a MINIMUM of 3 ECP certified teaching psychotherapists, depending on student body size it might be more.
Your curriculum MUST meet the Metacurriculum.
Your financial situation with EANLP must be in good standing.
A tradition of - usually - 5 years of teaching is required, this may be negotiable depending on circumstances
All relevat documents MUST be in good english.
You would agree that Members of the EANLPt TSC (Training standards committee) visit your organisation and also your trainings occasionally.
So a next step for a possible Application , please let us know in detail in english.
- the exact curriculum you are using, also in detailed comparison to the eanlpt metacurriculum
- the curriculum vitae of all your teaching psychotherapists, including detailed reference in how far they would be elegible for the ECP as a benchmark please use the grandparenting criteria also detailing who teaches what regularly also please detail the selection process for students before entering the first year of training, midtermevaluation and graduation
- number of students trained in first, second, third and fourth year over the last 6 years
- spevifioed and detailed links with clinical insitutions where your students can get practical clinical expierience
Please note : Independently of any membership status as guest you are of course cordially invited to attend our conferences, which currently happen 2 x per year. Getting aquainted with the members of the board, the executive and the TSC surely makes all the necessary discussions much easier and mutually beneficial.
Date and location of conferences, metacuriculum and grandparenting criteria please find it here.
22 Questions for :
- Future accreditation processes for NLPt institutes
- Quailty discussions on content and direction in EA NLPt accredited NLPt trainings
- The Intent of this questions is:
- to proved a framework to you for structuring curricular and research policy
- to have a factual basis on the current state of the NLPt teaching institutions
- to give support on an organisational level to NLPt teaching institutions
- to have a basis for scientific exchange on the different developments within the NLPt teaching world.
1. Please describe the ownership structure and legal of your training center/institute
profit/nonprofit, what type of state registration, how many „owners/officers or comparable persons
2. Please list the curriculum vitae of your teaching psychotherapists. According to EAP regulation there must be at least five.
3. Please list how many hour/days per year do they work for your institute/center per year on average, preferably differentiated by supervision/methodology/selfexperience/theory
4. Please list your regular guest lectureres and their CV and average hours they work für your training center/institute
5. Please inform how many of your teaching psychotherapists hold the ECP
6. Please document how your core teaching therapists have been trained in dynamics of group processes/group dynamics
7. Please list in detail the structure of each year regarding the hour requirement from the metacurriculum for specific NLPt psychotherapeutic
A Theory
B methodology,
C group supervision,
D groupselfexperience,
E individual supervision,
F individual therapy + teaching therapy
8. How do you organise/ make sure that those of your students who do not have degree in medicine, psychology , social work or special education get sufficient basic knowledge as required by EAP and the EA NLPt/Metacurriculum in
+ developmental psychology,
+ psychopathology and
+ health system knowledge
outside of your NLPt training- preferably before starting the 3rd year
9. How is the cooperation process between the teaching psychotherapits structured /organised
10. How is the supervision/intervisionprocess of your teaching therapists organised
11. Please list how many case studies/case report in writing are minimally necessary for a graduation in NLPt
12. Please list how many hours of work with patients have to be proven before graduation in NLPt.
Please list the NLPt specific approach of your training center/institute regarding Nosology/etiology and therapy strategy including caveats, to at least five of the following diagnosis groups, as they would be used in your teaching materials.
Enuresis nocturna, colitis ulcerosa, dismenohreoe, substance abuse, multiple phobias, PTSD after desaster, PTSD after torture, violence in family context,
eating disorders, suicide threatening, early childhood violence (sexual and other),reactive acute depression, prolonged grief period, hyperactivity in children, ADHD, high bloodpressure without medical reasons, acute psychosis, agressive behaviour, impotence, frigidity.
13. Please document how many persons have participated and have graduated in since 1995 in your institute/training center.
first year
second year
third year
fourth year
14. document how many persons have participated and have graduated in your institute/training center in the work year ending 2002.
first year
second year
third year
fourth year
15. Please document which scientific congresses/meetings on NLPt your training center has organized/ co organized.
16. Please give the link on which homepage , the NLPt presentations from this conferences/metings can be found, or please attach copie of presentations, or copies of videotapes.
17. Please document which scientific articles the core teaching therapists of your training center have published in the last 7 years.
18. Please list which other books to NLP related topics habe been published by persons related to your training center/institute.
19. Please document which professional case studies on NLPt have been written by
* Teaching therapists/trainers
* Graduates
* Students
of your training center/institute
20. Please document which statistically sound researches on NLPt your training center/institute has participated since 1993.
Who was involved ? teaching therapists, graduates, students?
Where are-will be the results published.
21. What is your intention/policy regarding
NLPt case studies
statistically sound control group supported efficacy research for the next 5 years
22. What other questions should be on this questionaire.
Please list and provide answers