39th EANLPt Conference - Amsterdam (Netherlands), 10 - 12 April 2015


a non profit scientific NLPt conference


Definitions and recognizing relevant patterns - Teaching Pattern detection.


We invite you to participate!






 >> PROGRAM (see below)



to be announced soon



Conference service charge for saturday, 11.04.2015: EUR 40,- (exception for EANLPt officers/representatives with membership fees paid and for presenters)

Service charge for fulltime students with valid student ID card: EUR 25,-

Please pay directly at the conference.




Friday, 10.04.2015


10.00 - 13.00 city tour in Amsterdam

If you want to join, please send us an email to info@eanlpt.org till latest 02.04.2015. It's free for all foreign participants, all others pay EUR 5,-.


13.00 - 15.00 working lunch of TSC and executive


15.30 - 16.30 country board


16.30 - 19.00 research intervision


Saturday, 11.04.2015 - conference day


09.00 - 09.30 Registration


09.30 - 10.00 Welcome by Catalin Zaharia (EANLPt president), Peter Schuetz (EANLPt secretary general) and Melita Reiner (director of HATC-NLPt)


* * * * * * *


conference program to be announced soon


Sunday, 12.04.2015


09.30 - 10.30 executive & TSC breakfast




EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 

A-1090 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4/7, Tel: +43-1/317 67 80

e-mail: info@eanlpt.org



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