Future conference #1: 07.-09.03.2025
"Single Case Studies"
We invite you to participate!
Single case studies are a new and more functional approach in scientific publications. It now slowly does replace the traditional randomized controlled studies (RCS).
At this conference we want to discuss:
- Evidence procedures
- Regularly used questonaires
- Agreements with patients for regular feedback
- Writing styles
- Journal applications
- Organisational issues
- Financial support from EANLPt
The outcome of the conference will provide basic materials for future SCS.
short and precise presentations on these topics are very welcome!
Presentation applications will be checked by the EANLPt executive.
VENUE: online (Zoom)
SERVICE FEE: : conference service charge for Saturday: EUR 50,- for western european and north american countries; € 25,- for all other countries with online registration
CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: the conference will be held in English
For last-minute-questions after 07.03.2025, 11:00 please send an email to friendly@schuetz.at.
Timezone: CET (Central European Time)
Friday, 07.03.2025
16:30-17:00 - Executive meeting for members of executive and specially invited guests (moderation: Catalin Zaharia)
17:00-17:30 - Country board for country representatives and guests (moderation: Peter Schutz)
Saturday, 08.03.2025 - Conference day
09:45-10:00 - Welcome by Cătălin Zaharia (EANLPt president)
10:00-10:45 - Dan Stanescu: "Where’s my wallet? A pickpocket (genius) strategy"
Starting from Dilt’s observation that any strategy tells a story, in this paper the aim is to tell a story of a pickpocket’s strategies that led him to (some) success in this occupation. The research is based on a single case qualitative study that aimed to elicit, using an in-depth interview, a reach, and detailed first-hand information of the lived experience of a (quite famous) pickpocket. The interview was semi-structured, but the participant was encouraged to talk in detail about his experiences. Verbatim transcripts of the interview served as the raw data for the study. Using a descriptive phenomenological approach, the narrative transcript was analyzed and a series of metaprograms, patterns, and beliefs were identified. Based on those findings we could enrich our perception in a way that allows us to be both more effective and more ecological in how we interact with reality, including pickpockets.
about Dan Stanescu: Associate professor at the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations and coordinator of the Social Cognition & Communication of Emotions Laboratory of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Hamburg University. Experienced counselor/therapist with 22 years of practice.
10:45-11:30 - Andalib Mahmud: "Case study on the efficacy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in enhancing an adolescent's academic performance and well-Being"
This case study provides a comprehensive psychological intervention analysis for a female adolescent, BI who displayed significant challenges, including diminished attention in academic pursuits, suboptimal academic performance, and familial stressors. These factors negatively impacted both her scholastic engagement and overall well-being. An evaluative assessment was conducted employing the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) framework, focusing on six core components: environment, behavior, resources-skills, values-beliefs, identity, and purpose. Utilizing NLP's neurological levels for assessment revealed that BI harbored unresourceful cognitions and self-identity, adversely affecting her daily functioning. Subsequently, BI underwent six NLP therapy sessions to foster resourceful cognitive processes and reinforce a constructive self-identity. This in-depth case analysis elucidates the therapeutic interventions employed, emphasizing shifts in BI's cognitive architecture through anchoring and visual-kinesthetic restructuring techniques. The study's findings, grounded in both the client’s experiential feedback and the therapist's clinical assessments, lend empirical support to the case conceptualization and demonstrate the efficacy of NLP as a therapeutic strategy for adolescents dealing with academic and familial pressures.
about Andalib Mahmud: Andalib Mahmud is a Counselling Psychologist and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Her expertise areas are dealing with trauma, relationship issues, stress and anxiety, increasing motivation, dealing with frustration, grief and loss. Her experiences working with refugees, tuberculosis patients, trauma victims, and COVID-19 frontline workers made her stronger and more knowledgeable. She is a trainer member and international ambassador of ANLP International CIC, UK.
11:30-11:45 break
11:45-12:30 - Bruce Grimley: "Sailing the 7C’s of Courage – Away from the practice of NLP and Towards a Novel and Cohesive Theory of Change. A Single Case History"
7Cs is indeed inspired by NLP, however seeks to move away from the practice of NLP by adopting a science based attitude. In this talk I will describe a model of change which can be used in both coaching and psychotherapy. It is called the 7Cs model. It is based upon my journey as a psychologist and therapist over the last 35 years and currently is in the process of peer review, "One Coach, Many Horses: How Coaching Psychology Can Benefit by Construing the Self as a Multiplicity. 7Cs, A Coaching Model Harnessing Multiplicity." Co-Authored with Katherine Dormandy. It is also within the title of my second book: "The 7Cs of Coaching" (Routledge, 2020). After describing both my journey and how the model currently stands, I will share a case history with the audience which was published in The journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, 24 (2(94)): 3-11. This case history will show how the 7Cs model cashes out in the context of psychotherapy. In this case a client presented with PTSD and had been diagnosed with such by a clinical psychologist subsequent to a road traffic accident, (RTA). The case shows how underneath the RTA, were multiple other traumas, including a rape, which had been buried and not effectively addressed. The success of the intervention was measured using GAD-7, PHQ-9 and IES-r, as well as the client's own feedback structured upon a post intervention questionnaire.
about Bruce Grimley: Dr Bruce Grimley was a Registered NLP Psychotherapist (NLPtCA) (1996 – 2020). He served as a director of NLPtCA from 3rd June 2017- 9th September 2020. Currently he is on the British Psychological Society register of Psychologists specialising in psychotherapy, and is a senior practitioner. Bruce has published 2 books, 9 chapters and many papers on NLPt & NLP. His work can be seen at tinyurl.com/49kt9dfr and tinyurl.com/38yucwpn. His last paper written with Dormandy, was on Sciene Gatekeeping.
12:30-14:00 Cătălin Zaharia: "NLPt goal-oriented work: anticipatory systems and impredicative models explanations"
Psychotherapeutic research in general requires intervention methodologies based on theory and followed by systematic observation of empirical observables. Thus, we can imagine an approach to research based on an abductive logic. One of the elements of this type of approach is the knowledge frame that we put in the modeling relationship of a system. I propose to update the theories used in NLPt with the help of anticipatory systems coupled with models that contain impredicative cycles and CLEF. This type of models respects the criteria for mind proposed in 1979 by Gregory Bateson.
about Cătălin Zaharia: Cătălin, President of EANLPt, is a European certified psychotherapist ECP-NLPt, a primary care psychiatrist, and a graduate in bioengineering (bioinformatics and health systems management). He has a PhD in Anticipatory Systems from Sigmund Freud University. He holds the position of President Elect / VP of the European Association of Psychotherapy, where he also heads the Science and Research committee. Background: NLPt ECP
14:00-14:30 closing
14:30-15:00 lunch break
15:00-17:00 – Science and Research committee meeting: open discussion and planning next steps (moderation: Catalin Zaharia)
Sunday, 09.03.2025
10:00-12:00 - debriefing for members of executive