38th EANLPt Conference - Athens (Greece), 07 - 09 November 2014

"Narratives - Meanings - Change"

a non profit scientific NLPt conference


Narratives and metaphors are first the "theories" in human life that give meanings and directions for development.

In psychotherapy we work with our clients on either adapting the narrative or the meaning - or both for lasting development called change.

This NLPt conference will focus around that topic with an emphasis both on its philosophy and methodology.


We invite you to participate!






 >> PROGRAM (see below)



to be announced soon



Conference service charge for saturday, 08.11.2014: EUR 40,- (exception for EANLPt officers/representatives with membership fees paid and for presenters)

Service charge for fulltime students with valid student ID card: EUR 25,-

Please pay directly at the conference.




Friday, 07.11.2014


10.00 - 13.00 city tour in Athens

If you want to join, please send us an email to info@eanlpt.org till latest 03.11.2014. It's free for all foreign participants, all others pay EUR 12,-.


13.00 - 15.00 working lunch of TSC and executive


15.30 - 16.30 country board


16.30 - 19.00 mindfulness dialogue intervision. moderation: Catharine Tamisier (France)


Saturday, 08.11.2014 - conference day


09.00 - 09.30 Registration


09.30 - 10.00 Welcome by Catalin Zaharia (EANLPt president), Peter Schuetz (EANLPt secretary general) and Alexandra Efthymiadou (director of NLP Greece)


* * * * * * *


conference program to be announced soon


Sunday, 09.11.2014


09.30 - 10.30 executive & TSC breakfast




EANLPt European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy 

A-1090 Vienna, Widerhofergasse 4/7, Tel: +43-1/317 67 80

e-mail: info@eanlpt.org



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